Neural Lab

Case study

AI for marketing


Our client is a top tire marketing firm in Hong Kong with more than 200 staff members.


Composing social media posts is an intuitive process, which makes predicting the engagement rate and the success of marketing campaigns difficult.

Marketers lack reporting on attractive word use, the latest trends, popular publishing times etc. to achieve higher engagement rates.

Value Proposition

Auto-ML leverages data and machine learning to analyse and predict the engagement rate of social media and enable marketers to compose data-driven content to increase engagement rate. It enables you to offer more relevant content to not only optimize readers’ experience, but also maximize your ROI.


The marketing firm has provided over 200 recent social media posts including the original content and engagement rates for model training purpose.

Neural Lab utilized various inputs such as the frequency of each word token, frequency of each post tag, total length of post and publishment date to predict engagement rate.